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Friday, May 21, 2010

Saturday morning investigations

Welcome to the iLearn in Second Life Blog...

This is my first blog. I am a little uncomfortable with the medium but I am hoping to relax by using this more often. I know that to teach using a tool like blogging I need myself to have experienced what it offers and what limitations it has. I guess the whole iLearn process is designed to provide these opportunities.
I meet ith Kay Carroll and Diane Brooks two weeks ago to discuss the possibility of doing formalising some of the research process and producing something that has a wider audience and is more credible, analytical and comparable with other work teachers are doing. Kay gave me a great overview and I guess she was suggesting that gathering empirical data would not necessarily be the best avenue. I read an article she gave me on Action Research. I found it reassuring that the article claimed that the model is valid. I guess I just want to move away from looking at engagement (via student reflections) as the key success of the project.

Greg Basford from CEO sent me a note via the NING letting know about Skoolaborate. Looks good. Will investigate more. I have not yet been on second life. More nervous than I would be going to a party of people I have never meet. Maybe second life is just for extroverts.
Next time...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the blog Pen. I think action research is a valid way of documenting and evaluating teaching practice etc. Did quite a lot of it at a couple of other schools where I have previously worked.
    I look forward to reading about your foray into second life. Be sure to keep your readers posted! xx
